The resistance of the century against the conspiracy of the century
- 13:16 7 February 2025
- File
Kenyan Njeri Mwangi: Mr Ocalan's freedom is inevitable
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ANKARA- Kenyan activist Njeri Mwangi, addressing the 15 February conspiracy, said: "The Kurdish struggle is a beacon of hope in world politics. Its location in the Middle East and the ongoing rivalry between states make Mr Ocalan a great threat to the imperialist bloc. Mr Öcalan's freedom is inevitable."
The international conspiracy against PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan began on 9 October 1998 and culminated in the kidnapping of Abdullah Öcalan from Kenya and bringing him to Turkey on 15 February 1999. In the intervening 26 years, while his ideas and the democratic, ecological, women's libertarian paradigm that he put forward became a model that spread all over the world and gave hope to the peoples, the isolation deepened and deepened.
In this part of our dossier, Kenyan activist Njeri Mwangi answered JINNEWS' questions about the role of her country in the conspiracy and the silence of imperialist states against the isolation.
‘They think they can isolate PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan by imprisoning him in isolated Imrali Island, but his ideas continue to sow more and more seeds around the world."
*You know that PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan has been kept in isolation in Turkey since the 15 February Conspiracy? How do you address this isolation?
We find this situation an expression of the detriment polarity created by imperialist aggressors and a statist mentality. Where some dominant reactionary forces subvert the will of a people demanding self-determination. It also expresses the fragility of the Turkey state and its conspirators. It espouses the fear that they have towards progressive political ideas. They forget that they can jail and isolate PKK’s leader Abdullah Ocalan at the helm of an isolated Imrali island, but the ideas keep sowing even more seeds worldwide.
"The role played by the Greek Embassy in this ‘well’ calculated kidnapping is a real expression of the reactionary operations that the imperialists have been carrying out against progressive organisations and revolutionaries all over the world since time immemorial."
* During the conspiracy process, all international powers came together and handed over PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan to Turkey. What is your assessment of the states that took part in this conspiracy?
First, it’s shameful that Abdullah Ocalan was abducted on Kenyan soil on his way to South Africa. This shows Kenya’s State role in the conspiracy with its imperialist allies and terrorist agencies such as the Mossad and the CIA. The role played by the Greece embassy in the well calculated abduction is real expression of the reactionary operations carried out by the imperialists against progressive organizations, individuals and revolutionaries all over the world, since time immemorial. These acts have also been witnessed in Africa, Latin America and states like Palestine. Where they pluck one of the key leaders through abductions, rainbow revolutions or even death. It also espouses a pattern that is similar to colonial powers and imperialists. Similar methods were used by the British in Kenya and Rhodesia, the Germans in Tanzania, French in Western Africa, and the Belgians in Congo.
However the same trends and patterns are still very evident now in Kenya where state still keeps abdicating young people to cattail their rights
"Militarisation, which means the strengthening of the Western imperialists and their statist pawns in Africa, Turkey and Syria, has also taken centre stage."
*Since the international conspiracy of 15 February, have the attitudes of the countries involved in the conspiracy and their relations with Turkey changed, and if so, in what ways?
In my opinion, I believe much has not changed. If it has, then it might have changed for the worse. The imperialist grip amid tensions and discussions on polarity and geopolitics keep surfacing. The unholy alliances and competition in world market grows acute as never before. Imperialist wars and plunder of resources is evidently present. Militarization has also taken a centre stage, meaning the consolidation of Western imperialists and their statist stooges in Africa, Turkey and Syria. In recent days, we have seen and heard imperialist countries declare their support blatantly to Turkey and Erdogan.
"Isolation is a tactic to weaken the struggle. But on the contrary, it unites the Kurdish struggle under a great banner. Mr Öcalan's freedom is inevitable."
*What would you say about the situation of Abdullah Öcalan in the 26 years that have passed since the conspiracy, the aggravated isolation he has been experiencing, and whether international organisations are following this? Do the organisations follow this situation?
I don’t think so. The fact that Comrade Ocalan is not allowed to access material or books is first an attempt to weaken his resolve and disturb his consciousness. Secondly, solitary confinement without accessing any legal assistance or visitors, family is enough proof that the promise was broken. In my opinion, it is a tactic to frustrate and disappoint the efforts by the Kurdish Liberation Movement. But what it does in contrary, is to unify the Kurdish struggle under one big banner. The freedom of Ocalan is inevitable.
*The conditions under which Abdullah Öcalan lives have no analogue in the history of the world. The closest similarity is the example of Mandela. But even in this similarity, we do not come across this form of isolation. What is the reason why Abdullah Öcalan has become an international target?
The Kurdish struggle is a beacon for hope in world politics , the people of kenya and has a sensitive approach towards geopolitics and exposing imperialist weaknesses. The fact that it is situated in the Middle East and the ongoing rivalry between states makes Ocalan a great threat to the imperialist block.
"As time passed and awareness grew, many Kenyans realised the truth behind Mr Öcalan's abduction and this created a popular interest in Mr Öcalan's freedom. The material and alliances between the progressive forces in Kenya and the Kurdish Freedom Movement have further strengthened solidarity."
*There are also efforts in Kenya to lift the isolation of Abdullah Öcalan and there is solidarity with the Kurdish people. What are you doing and what would you say about the role of the Kenyan government in the conspiracy process at that time?
Unlike in an advanced society, the Kenyan state is isolated and detached from the Kenyan masses. Shortly after the abduction of Abdullah Ocalan, aided by the Greece government in cohorts with President Moi’s government, most people did not understand the situation erstwhile. However, as consciousness builds within the day, most people have now understood the truth behind Ocalan’s abduction making it gain a popular traction towards the freedom of Ocalan. There have been notable attempts to raise the levels of political consciousness among the people. The assemblies, political seminars and debates have aided greatly on this front. The material and alliances between the Kenyan progressive forces and the Kurdish Liberation movement has also solidified the solidarity. There have been exchanges, solidarity events and statements that have been bilaterally organized by the Kenyan Comrades and the Kurdish comrades to keep the international solidarity alive.
There has been establishment of the Kenya-Kurdistan solidarity organizations adopting the three dimensional model of the Kurdish Struggle. Women emancipation, Ecological sustainability and building grassroots democracy; democratic confederalism. Including the Social Justice Movement and the Grassroot Liberation Movement.
"We would like to state that the freedom of Mr Öcalan is inevitable. We encourage you and motivate your belief in victory. Kenya is with you."
*Finally, is there anything you would like to add?
We would love to express our total and unwavering solidarity to the Kurdish people across the globe and assert that the Freedom of Ocalan is inevitable.
Further, we express our love and solidarity to all the combatants and militants in Rojava, Eastern and Northern Syria, Kabul and all over the world. We encourage you and motivate your conviction towards victory. Kenya is with you.
Long live Solidarity!