March 8 decision from TTB: Women to consider as on paid leave

  • 13:30 6 July 2021
  • News
ANKARA - The proposal to consider women working in TTB and medical chambers on paid leave on March 8 was accepted at the 73rd Great Congress of the TTB.
The Turkish Medical Association (TTB) shared with the public the proposal adopted at its 73rd Grand Congress. Accordingly, in the congress, with the proposal of the TTB Central Council to consider the women workers working in the TTB and its affiliated medical chambers on paid leave on March 8 every year, and the “Preventing Sexual Violence and Supporting Gender Equality Directive” presented as the proposal by the Gynecology and Women's Health Branch was adopted unanimously.
They will be considered on paid leave
In the proposal adopted for March 8, International Women's Day, on the acceptance of women on paid leave, it was pointed out that March 8 is a day that symbolizes the resistance against exploitation, discrimination, and oppression all over the world, and for gaining women's rights. It was stated that the TTB is an organization that calls on the workers every March 8 and demands that women workers be considered on paid leave.
In the accepted “Directive on Preventing Sexual Violence and Supporting Gender Equality, it is stated: To ‘’To prevent physicians from discriminating against their colleagues or third parties on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other basis; In order to prevent sexual violence and all kinds of violence against women, and to combat gender inequality, the Turkish Medical Association's Coordination Board of Preventing Sexual Violence and Gender Equality Support Units and the medical chambers' Preventing Sexual Violence and Gender Equality Support Units, their structure, duties and working principles are aims to regulate.’’