Assyrian Roza: Daesh planted seeds of hate in Raqqa 2017-10-14 11:19:53   Ruhenda Amed RAQQA- “Daesh only planted seeds of hate as soon as they entered in Raqqa,” said Christian and Assyrian Roza Mirza, one of thousands of civilians rescued every day amid the intensified clashes while the operation to liberate Raqqa is about to be finalized. The ‘Great Battle’ launched by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to liberate Raqqa from Daesh gangs has left its fourth month behind. The operation continues amid intensified clashes. Just a few days left for liberation of the city, where was declared as capital by Daesh gangs and was under the control of Daesh for five years. Violent clashes broke out between the SDF fighters and Daesh gangs around Watani Hospital, El Neim junction, Harun Raşid Park and football field are going on. YPJ fighters are healing the wounds of women and children Two day ago, the SDF fighters rescued about 300 civilians around the football field and transferred them to safe areas. The civilians shed tears of happiness as soon as they reached the YPJ and SDF fighters, who are playing a leading role in the operation. YPJ fighters, who take care of the civilians, particularly of the women and children, try to heal their wounds. One of these rescued civilians is a Christian and an Assyrian Roza Mirza, The Assyrians, who are the most ancient people of Mesopotamia and known for their courage in the battle, have been targeted for five years by Daesh. Roza Mirze rescued by YPJ and SDF fighters is just one of the dozens of women tearing off their black burqas when they were rescued. Daesh planted seeds of hate between us Roza is 50 years old and she has lived in Raqqa for 27 years. She is originally from Haseke city of Rojava. Roza stated that she was the last Christian left the city. Stating that she lived with Kurdish neighbors for 15 years and with Arab neighbors for 10 years, Roza said “We lived with many peoples for years in Raqqa. Daesh planted seeds of hate between us as soon as they entered the city.” Roza also said she had been forced to convert to Islam by Daesh. You will convert to Islam or you will pay us Roza said Daesh gangs members had come to her home and they had said, ‘You will convert to Islam’ and she had been forced to leave Raqqa if she didn’t convert to Islam. Roza told what she faced as follows; “They came to my home, they forced me and they tried to beat me. I responded them and beat them. After this incident, they returned to my home and they burned my house. I had to pay them to stay in Raqqa.” ‘I couldn’t go out; my neighbors met my needs’ Roza said she hadn’t gone out for five years and she added, “I met my needs through my neighbors. I am a 50-year-old woman is suffering from diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol. Even I met my medicine needs through my neighbors. Once I went out and I saw three cut heads in Neim Square. Then I fainted. There is no word to explain the atrocity in five years. We were oppressed but now we are free we are away from a dark world. She is the last Christian left Raqqa Roza stated that many Christians left Raqqa when Daesh entered the city and she told why she hadn’t left as follows; “All I have is Raqqa. I have lived here for 27 years. I am the last Christian left Raqqa. Thank God, the YPJ and SDF fighters came and rescued us.”