Reaction to attacks from political women 2023-06-21 13:59:04     AMED - Women from TJA, Green Left Party and HDP, who came together in Amed, condemned the attacks against Northern and Eastern Syria, and drew attention to the fact that Kurdish women were targeted with these attacks.   Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA), Greens Left and Future Party (Green Left Party), Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) held a meeting at the Education Union Branch No. 1 regarding the election results after 14 and 28 May and the construction of a new era. Many women attended the meeting. After a moment of silence for those who lost their lives in the struggle for democracy and freedom, HDP Party Assembly (PM) member Emine İnan made a brief assessment.   'No attack is ordinary'   Beginning her speech by condemning the attack that took place on the Qamişlo-Tirbespiyê road and in which Qamishlo Canton Council Co-chair Yusra Derwêş and her deputy Liman Şiwêş and her driver Fırat Tuma lost their lives, Emine said: “We commemorate all the martyrs of freedom in the person of Yusra Derwêş, Port Şiwêş and Fırat Tuma. We owe our values. These air strikes are not ordinary, friends are murdered by being deliberately targeted. This is a message, he is trying to achieve what he could not achieve in Bakur by taking revenge in Rojava. Especially the Kurdish women's movement is targeted. We should be aware of this. No attack is out of the ordinary.”   'The women's movement played its role'   Sharing the information that they will hold criticism-self-criticism meetings and then public meetings for the election process and after, Emine said, “Today, when these meetings are held in Turkey and Kurdistan, we should not approach ordinary. These meetings should be taken seriously. The women's movement is going through a very important time. An election process took place, and we carried out this process with the coordination established in both the central and districts. The women's movement played the role of pioneering this process. The demoralization manifested itself in all our institutions, such as acting as if the struggle was over. But an election does not determine the struggle, it does not mean that everything is over. We are all responsible for this process. Where were we in this process, did we get the answer? As the women's movement, we pioneered, but we will have discussions on the direction.”   After Emine's speech, the meeting continued closed to the press.