90 students and teachers poisoned in Afghanistan 2023-06-05 16:12:29     NEWS CENTER - According to the statement made by the head of the Taliban Local Education Administration, approximately 90 female students and female teachers were poisoned in three schools where girls are educated in Afghanistan.   According to the news of Reuters, Saraipol Police Spokesperson Den Mohammad Nazari said, "Some unidentified people entered the girls' school in Sançarak district and poisoned the classrooms. When the children came to the classrooms, they were poisoned." Den Mohammad did not share information about which substance the children were poisoned with.   Poisoning is on the rise   According to Afghan media, 14 schoolgirls were poisoned yesterday (June 4) at Fayizabad Primary School in Kalan district of Sancharak province.   In the last 2 days, 75 students and 4 teachers were poisoned in 2 girls' schools in the Kabdab region. The poisoned students and teachers were taken to health centers in the cities of Sarpul and Sançarak.