‘At least 2 women a week are driven to suicide in Kirkuk’ 2021-09-30 13:48:34     NEWS CENTER - Kirkuk Office of the Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights announced that 50 women were driven to suicide in six months.   It has been stated that violence against women and ‘’suicides’’ have increased in Kirkuk, where is located in the Federated Kurdistan Region. The Kirkuk Office of the Iraqi Human Rights Commission prepared a report on violence against women and women’s ‘’suicide’’. According to the news of Rojnews, it was announced in the report that 50 women were driven to suicide in the first six months of this year. In the report, it was stated that 286 women were also exposed to violence.   According to the data announced in the report, at least two women a week are driven to suicide, while 11 women are exposed to violence. In the same report, it was emphasized that violence against women and ‘’suicide’’ incidents increased compared to previous years.