Answer to question of addressee in solution of Kurdish problem: Abdullah Öcalan 2021-09-27 11:47:49     ANKARA - Speaking about the ‘’who is the addressee’’ debate on the solution of the Kurdish problem, HDP MP Nuran İmir said that the talk place of the issue is the Assembly and the addressee is Abdullah Öcalan.   The rhetoric of Republican People’s Party (CHP) Chairperson Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu regarding the Kurdish issue, ‘’We can solve it with HDP,’’ has brought along the addressee debates that started around the name of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan in the political and social agenda in recent days. In a statement, the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) stated that Öcalan’s role cannot be ignored and pointed out that the political actor is Abdullah Öcalan.   HDP Şırnak MP Nuran İmir made evaluations on the subject.   ‘Rulership must be sincere’   Expressing that the discussion of the Kurdish problem in Turkey politics is a positive development, Nuran stated that the CHP’s speech on the Kurdish problem is meaningful, but just talking is not enough. Emphasizing that a step should be taken to solve the Kurdish problem, Nuran said: ‘’It will not be fruitful to bring the Kurdish problem to the screens alone. The Kurdish people have a long history of resistance against the denial, annihilation and destruction policies of the rulerships. The Kurdish people say that the rulerships should be sincere about the Kurdish problem.’’   ‘HDP will do its part’    Noting that it is a correct but incomplete assessment to say that the HDP is the addressee regarding the Kurdish problem, Nuran said that the HDP, a continuation of the 45-year tradition of struggle, will do its part in the solution of the Kurdish problem, as it does in many other issues. Adding that they draw attention to the crises in Turkey in every discourse, Nuran said: ‘’The main reason for the crises in Turkey is the lack of recognition of the will, status and political representatives of the Kurds. We are fighting together with our friends who say, ‘A free life is possible,’ and those who believe in this struggle, for the recognition of our will.’’   ‘Mr. Öcalan is a legitimate actor’   Noting that the Kurdish problem has become a deep wound, Nuran noted that the solutionlessness of the Kurdish problem is paying a heavy price. Nuran stated that the fact that the Kurdish problem and its addressee are not expressed correctly leads to denial. Nuran said: ‘’CHP showed us as the addressee. We will do our part anyway, but this alone does not reflect the truth. If there is a sincere approach to the Kurdish problem, everyone should play their role and mission. HDP is a legal and legitimate party, and it takes its legitimacy from the people. There is a reality such as the denial of Mr. Öcalan. This is the denial of a struggle that has been going on for 50 years. Mr. Öcalan is a legitimate actor in the international arena. He takes his legitimacy from the people.’’   ‘The CHP ignored the will of the Kurds’   Nuran said: ‘’The HDP can play a role, but the Kurdish problem is now an international problem’’ and that the problem of the Kurds, who are divided into four parts, should be addressed and solved from many aspects. Nuran said: ‘’The colonialism that took place by the governments in ur parts of Kurdistan must come to an end. Even the Rojava Revolution, which was won with the blood and struggle of the Kurds, is Turkey’s target today. Those who want to rule Turkey must first see the existence of the Kurds. Nationalism, which is the biggest chaos in Turkey, and the non-recognition of the will of the Kurds is a policy created by the CHP. This mentality has persisted to this day. Other parties that came to power, inspired by this mentality, continued to pursue a policy of denial and annihilation on the Kurds, and they continue to do so.’’   ‘Everyone should take on responsibility’   Emphasizing that the HDP has fulfilled its role, but Abdullah Öcalan is the biggest actor in the solution of the Kurdish problem, Nuran noted that all talks with Abdullah Öcalan since 1993 have been based on peace. Pointing out that the Kurdish problem’s solutionlessness is at the root of the problems in Turkey and the Middle East, Nuran said: ‘’Mr. Öcalan has repeatedly stated that the problem can be solved through dialogue. Mr. Abdullah Öcalan, who paid a heavy price for the solution of the Kurdish problem, has been kept under severe isolation conditions in Imralı for 22 years. The Assembly has a role to play in solving the Kurdish problem, and everyone needs to take on responsibility and play their role and face with history. Nobody should deceive the Kurdish people. HDP is not the only solution addressee to the Kurdish problem. Everyone has to do their part.’’   ‘Anybody not trick anyone’   Reminding the rhetoric of President Tayyip Erdoğan that ‘’We have solved the Kurdish problem’’, Nuran pointed out that the problem is being tried to be solved with denial, destruction, weapons and death, and said: ‘’As an actor, we will do our part, but the main actor should not be denied and seen as illegal. The addressee in the solution of the Kurdish problem is Mr. Öcalan. Anybody not trick anyone. Millions show Mr. Öcalan as their leader. The place of talk and negotiation is the Assembly, not the secret places.’’