‘Justice’ vigil on its 158th day 2021-08-13 15:00:48     URFA - Emine and Ferit Şenyaşar, who have been on watch for 158 days demanding justice in front of the Urfa Courthouse, gave the following message: ‘’The mother’s demand for justice and the fire that burns in her will burn the pompous reigns.’’   The Justice watch started in front of the Urfa Courthouse by Emine Şenyaşar, who lost her husband and two sons in the attack of AKP MP İbrahim Halil Yıldız’s bodyguard and relatives, and Ferit Şenyaşar, who survived the attacks with injuries, continues on its 158th day. The family came to the courthouse in the early hours of the morning and started their vigil.   ‘We will not leave here’   Regarding the vigil, Ferit said: ‘’Our struggle continues under persecution. Those who think that we will give up our demand for justice by stealing our posters, citing the posters as justifications and fining us here are miserable. Yesterday we were persecuted by the law enforcement again. On our poster, we say right and law and we say end the persecution. The prosecutor’s office and the police responded to the demand for the prosecution of those who murdered three of our people in the hospital with a fine. Fines will not intimidate us. Our struggle continues to grow. We will not leave here until our demand is met.’’   The family shared the following on their digital media accounts: ‘’Our watch in front of the courthouse; It is the result of our suffering, pain, torment, anger and despair. Do you think it will stay like that? The mother’s demand for justice and the fire that burns in her will burn the pompous reigns.’’