Families of prisoners: ‘Key of solution is Imralı’ 2021-08-12 15:12:36   Rojda Aydın    ŞIRNAK - The families of the prisoners, who went on hunger strike against the Imralı isolation and the increasing rights violations in prisons, said: ‘’Key of solution is Imralı. The demands of our children are our demands.’’   Against the systematic violations of rights in Turkey and in regional prisons and the aggravated isolation on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, the prisoners continue their indefinite-alternating hunger strike that they started on November 27, 2020. The families of the prisoners called for the demands of their children to be accepted and for the increasing violations of rights to come to an end as soon as possible.   ‘We want a free life’   Taybet Acet, mother of Mustafa Acet, who is in Bandırma Prison, said that her son was sentenced to 60 years and has been imprisoned for 11 years. Expressing that the conditions in prisons are getting worse day by day, Taybet said: ‘’When our children are taken to the hospital, they are exposed to strip search. Everything is very expensive in the canteen. At the same time, there are sick prisoners and they are not treated. When they are taken to the hospital, they are handcuffed. Our children do not accept this either. This is inhumane treatment. We no longer accept these tortures, this cruelty. We want a free life.’’   ‘The pressure has increased’   Saying that she had difficulties in going to see her son, who has been held in Bandırma Prison for eight years, Taybet said: ‘’They keep our children away from us. They don't want us to be close. The reason they do this is that they want to persecute more. My son called last week and said that the pressure is increasing so they are boycotting phone calls. We could only talk for five minutes.’’   ‘Their demands are our demands’   Drawing attention to the hunger strike actions, Taybet said: ‘’The situation of our children is not good. Pressures have increased. Our children are on hunger strike to end the isolation on the Leadership and end the oppression. They want this persecution to end. But the persecution is increasing day by day. The demands must be accepted urgently before it gets worse. Our childrens demands are our demands. But there is great silence outside. This silence must be broken. Everyone should be the voice to the voice of prisoners. Silence brings death. When Leyla Güven went on a hunger strike, my son also went on a hunger strike for three months. That’s why their situation is bad.’’   Pointing out that the aggravated isolation on Abdullah Öcalan has spread to Turkey and Kurdistan, Taybet said: ‘’The isolation on Leader Apo must first be lifted in order to stop the war and the persecution. The address of the solution is Imralı. That's why the persecution must end. The state must take a step. Let this pressure end now.’’   ‘Let my son be close to me’   Nebahat İşçi, mother of Naif İşçi held in Ahlat Prison, also stated that her son was arrested at the age of 14 and sentenced to 24 years. Stating that her son has been in prison for 11 years, Nebahat said: ‘’There are no political prisoners in Ahlat. My son is in a room by himself.’’ Nebahat stated that her son has had a platinum in his foot for 11 years and has not been removed. She continued: ‘’My son had an accident before he was taken. He has a platinum on his foot. He was arrested after the accident. Doctors had said to replace the platinum after six months and stated that it would harm if not replaced. It has not been removed from his feet for 11 years. One leg is shortened. He said he had a hard time on the last phone. He is neither taken to hospital nor treated. At the same time, different sicknesses started after he was arrested.’’   ‘If something happens to them, the state is responsible’   Speaking about the ongoing hunger strikes in prisons, Nebahat said: ‘’Our children want the isolation to be lifted, that's why they are on hunger strike. In 2019, my son went on a hunger strike. At that time, many funerals came from prisons. Demands must be accepted as soon as possible. If something happens to our children, the state is responsible. When it comes to Kurds, the heaviest punishments are given. We will never give up on this cause and our language.’’   Nebahat said: ‘’Let this silence end. Our children's demands are our demands. We will defend their demands until we die. The isolation must be broken and the persecution must end as soon as possible.’’