Statement from HDP about 7th year of Soma Massacre 2021-05-13 12:47:11     ANKARA - Making a written statement regarding the seventh anniversary of the Soma Massacre, the HDP commemorated those who lost their lives in Soma, reiterated its promise that the struggle will be enlarged until they take account of the massacre and establish the democratic management of labor.   Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) made a written statement regarding the seventh anniversary of the Soma Massacre. In the statement, the message was given that they would grow the struggle until they asked to account for the massacre.   In the statement, which stated that the government refrained from asking to account for the massacre in the past seven years, expressed: “Power has never changed its attitude that escaped its responsibility. For power, the understanding of ending exploitation and keeping the worker alive never developed. Thousands of workers die every year in workplace homicides. Capital continued to exploit, power continued to watch over capital. The Justice and Developmet Party (AKP) period existed as a series of massacres spread over time for the working class. With its pro-capital attitude, the government preferred to be a direct partner in every massacre.”   ‘We will not let Soma be forgotten’   The statement emphasized that the 301 workers who were killed will be asked to account, and the following statements were made: “We, the workers, those who fell to the ground, those who lost their relatives in the massacre and those who resisted, never forgot the Soma Massacre and did not allow it to be forgotten. Our struggle against those who want to make the Soma Massacre forget and suppress the pursuit of rights by extending the judicial process will continue. Because, for us, asking to account for the Soma Massacre is a reason for existence. We commemorate the 301 workers we lost due to the seventh anniversary of the Soma Massacre, and repeat our promise that we will grow our struggle until we have to account for the massacre and establish the democratic management of labor.”