April tally: At least 17 women killed, 12 suspicious deaths 2021-05-05 11:22:20     Dilan Babat   ANKARA - The government, which took the perpetrators to protect by withdrawing from the Istanbul Convention, caused the killing of at least 17 women this month. According to our monthly tally, 12 women lost their lives suspiciously, five women and three children were killed.   The fact that withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention with the Presidential Decree encouraged men this month was reflected in the data. Women continued to be killed in their homes, on the street, and in workplaces by the men who gained power from government. This month, the banners of women saying "Istanbul Convention Is Ours We Don't Give Up" were banned, and they were intimidated by fines for not leaving the streets.   Ministry started to keep data   The government, which is one of the articles of the Istanbul Convention, put the data on male violence to be kept in practice after the government terminated it. The Ministry of Interior started keeping a violent tally with the pressure of women and to claim that the convention had no effect on the femicides of women. According to the ministry's data, 17 women were killed in April. Even this data of the ministry reveals that women do not have the security of life in the country and how vital the convention is.   17 women were killed in April   According to the We Will Stop Femicides Platform (KCDP), which keeps data from the news reflected in the press every month, 16 women were killed in April, and 14 women lost their lives suspiciously.   We, as an agency, share with you the male violence tally we compiled from the news on the websites every month. Accordingly, in April, at least 17 women were killed by men who were their closest relatives, 12 women lost their lives suspiciously, five women were about killed, and three children were killed by their closest relatives. While five children were subjected to abuse, one child dead suspiciously. The judiciary, which is under the monopoly of the power, did not hesitate to acquit men this month, either.   Femicides with known perpetrators   İstanbul (two), Samsun (two), Sivas (one), Bursa (one), Mersin (one), Kırıkkale (one), Van (one), Afyonkarahisar (one), Burdur (one), Ağrı (one), Kayseri (one), Balıkesir (one), Elazığ (one), Antep (one), Konya (one)   Attempted kill   Istanbul (two), Konya (one), Kütahya (one), Antalya (one) Violence against women, harassment, rape and reflected to social media Batman (one)   Violence against children and child killings   Van (one), İstanbul (one), Şırnak (one)   Child abuse   Manisa (one), Uşak (one), Maraş (one); Mardin (one), Tekirdağ (one)   Suspicious child deaths    Diyarbakır (one)   Good conduct time of court    Antalya (one), Kilis (one), İstanbul (one), İzmir (one) Independent MP of Mardin Tuma Çelik was acquitted on charge of sexual assault.